Words from HoD

Sanjeev Kumar
Sanjeev Kumar
Physics Department
Phone No.0172-2753260
Email: sanjeev@pec.edu.in
The fields of Science and Engineering are interlinked. Scientific knowledge is used to create new technologies and new technologies enable us to expand the field of Science. One of the educational objectives of our institute is to impart science based engineering education to develop professional skills. The Physics Department has always striven to accomplish it by building a strong base of science for engineering graduates. Various courses have been designed to develop analytic abilities in students.
Since the inception, the Physics Department is shaping and brightening the future of the younger generations via collective and interactive teaching- learning environments and time-honored pedagogy. Department is primarily engaged in teaching profession. We are purely engaged in creating a diverse, progressive and inclusive working environment. We believe that this endeavor is central to maximizing creativity and innovation in research and education inside the department. I strongly believe that Physics Department is one of the best nursery platform for our great scientific minds of outskirts.